Turbulence Training Bootcamp
Affiliate PDF'sBrand new way to increase affiliate sales!
Use these new PDF reports as another way to make sales through the Turbulence Training/Clickbank affiliate program.
When readers click through your affiliate link via the branded PDF, your clickbank cookie will be placed on the visitor's computer and if the visitor purchases the ebook, you will receive commissions for up to 60 days after the original visit (because clickbank's cookies last 60 days).
You have permission to give away these PDF's for free.
Use the Re-brander software application to embed your affiliate link in the report before giving it away.
See the detailed instructions below on how to increase your referral sales with this professional PDF.
Here's what you can do with the PDF's...
1) Give the PDF reports away for free as a bonus for buying your products, signing up on your site, as a bonus for previous customers, etc.
HOWEVER, they may not be sold for any reason at any price, anywhere, including ebay. You can't put a dollar value on this either, it must always be advertised for free.
The second restriction is that you are NOT permitted to change ANY text or content in the reports whatsoever, except for the destination links, which may be replaced with your affiliate link.
2) You can also give the PDF's away as a bonus to people that sign-up for your newsletters or bootcamps.
So not only do you get more signups (because people love FREE reports), but you'll also increase your chance of making affiliate sales through your link embedded in the report.
Rebrandable PDF instructions:
You can "brand" the PDF reports with your own clickbank link by using the "viral PDF" software (PDF brander EXE).
PLEASE NOTE: It is your responsibility to make sure that your PDF reports are correctly branded with your affiliate hoplink before you distribute them. To make sure they are done properly, follow these instructions...
1) Download the ZIP file, which contains the PDF report and the PDF brander (please note the brander software is an exe file.
2) Open the zip file.
3) Extract the PDF report and the PDF brander
4) Open/run the PDF brander (PDFBrand.exe).
5) Once open, the brander will open a window that says, "drag'n'Drop your brandable PDF file into this window." Drag your unbranded PDF report into the window.
6) When you are prompted, type your clickbank affiliate name into the form.
7) Click the "brand!" button and your affiliate ID will be embedded into all the hoplinks in the PDF report
8) A dialogue box will open up reminding you to save your changes. Click OK and use the file menu to save your newly branded PDF report. You may change the name of the PDF when you save it.
9) Open up your PDF report and double check the links to make sure your clickbank ID was successfully embedded into all the hoplinks
10) You are finished! Your PDF report is ready to distribute.
Click on the following links to download your rebranded PDF's
To download the software and save onto your hard drive Right click and 'save target as':
Turbulence Training Bootcamp Free Workout
To download the PDF Right click the link above and 'save target as':
To download the cover photos Right click the picture and 'save picture as':